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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

First Emotional Breakdown

I woke up this morning, quite a few times, trying to get outta bed and finally got out when I needed to. While getting dressed and ready for work, BG made it very clear that she was hungry. I told her we would stop for a bagel at Einstein's on the way to work. So, I had some milk to hold her over.

I got to Einstein's ordered my bagel, grabbed my chocolate milk and went to pay. I opened my purse and there was no wallet. I had left it on the couch at home. S.O.A.B.! I asked the cashier to wait just a second, maybe I had some cash in the car. I went and checked and had only change. I ran back inside and told the cashier I was terribly sorry and that I wasn't going to be able to get it.

As I got back in my car, I broke down crying. I drove across the street to work and after composing myself, I walked in. I made some velveeta shells and cheese that I had there and started crying again cause I felt like I let my kid down. Instead of a Florentine Bagel with chocolate milk, they're getting shells and cheese and water. Not such a healthy breakfast.

I felt so silly for being such a cry baby about such a small situation. BG doesn't know what we have for breakfast. Let alone lunch and dinner. And, this was only one day out of how many?! I doubt she's gonna remember that I jipped her out of a good breakfast.

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