Baby Graf's timeline

pregnancy calendar

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

to fill you in...

When we decided to have Thanksgiving at our house, I told Jason we should find out then what the baby is, instead of having 2 holiday, possibly 3, at our house over the next month. Jason told me no, we should still do as we planned.

Plan: Go to Dr appt on Dec 6th, have Dr write down gender and place in envelope, have a holiday party that weekend or next, open envelope with all our friends and family around.

Saturday, Jason called me and told me I was right and that we should do it on Thanksgiving. He wanted me to see when the earliest was that we could get an ultrasound to determine the sex, and where we could go. I checked online and within a few moments I was talking with Brynn at Miracle in Progress. She told me that around 11am she would know if there was a 3pm available that day. Otherwise, we could schedule it for Monday. Monday wouldn't have been a problem, but Jason had to work and with his crazy schedule, it wouldn't have been guaranteed that he'd be off in time.

Luckily, the 3pm cancelled and we were fit in! Jason was running a little behind and he had to meet me there. Unluckily, the baby was not cooperative. Poking, prodding, caffeine, sugar, giggling... nothing would get this baby to uncross it's legs - which leads me to think he'll be the best at "crack-the-egg". After about 10 minutes we conceded that the baby was just not gonna budge. A rescan was scheduled for Monday.

Monday, I asked Heavenly Father to talk with our baby and make them be cooperative at our appt. When we got to Miracle in Progress, they took us back and we got started. The baby was not awake, nor was BG in a position to tell is it was a He or She. Finally, after some prodding and cool water, the baby woke up and started being cooperative. She found the result fairly quickly and Jason and I sat there staring at each other, not the screen. We took our results home and Jason hid them cause he knew I would be too tempted to peak.

We had our results, and now we just had to wait for Thanksgiving to open them!

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