Baby Graf's timeline

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Friday, September 10, 2010


On Wednesday, when I called Sue, my nurse, to tell her the test was positive, I got the other nurse on duty, Cheryl (since Sue is off on Wednesdays. Something I learned many months ago after calling her and not getting responses back til Thursday or getting calls from Cheryl.)

Cheryl had me come in as soon as I could on Wednesday to run the Progesterone and HCG tests. Making sure the levels are good. I got a call from Sue on Thursday saying my progesterone is at 53.5 which is great cause they like to see it above 10. Woot! My HCG was at 264. This is kinda low, but they like it to triple every few days, so she wanted me to get more bloodwork done on Saturday. Let's pray the levels go up.

As for symptoms, I have few. The pills I was/am on always tend to make me gag and feel nauseous, so that's nothing new. I did have the "pressure" cramps. They have subsided for the most part. My nipples are real sensitive, but my boobs don't ache like everyone says they should. Lucky me!

I'm stoked to know the baby is a size of a poppy seed. I'll try to keep everyone as up to date as I can. This is the first grnadbaby on the Claessens side, and on the Graf side, it will be the second grandbaby for some, and the first "Graf" grandbaby for others. I know there are a lot of excited family out there. Friends too.

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