Baby Graf's timeline

pregnancy calendar

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'm so hungry!!!

This has been a rough week. I'm not peeing as much through the night, but when I wake up, I am starving! If I get something too sugary first thing in the morning, I get a little uneasy. The other morning, I had a bunch of green grapes and I couldn't finish them cause my stomach was starting to fuss. Anyone know if it's the grapes? Or just me?

Anyway, I find that yogurt and granola have been pretty satisfying with lots of water and a prenatal pill. I am trying to snack more and have smaller meals. Isn't that what they teach us is a healthy diet? lol I'm not gaining any weight, which I like cause I'm not supposed to just yet.

I am getting real antsy for my first appointment. I can't wait to hear that little heartbeat. A week and a half. *sigh*


  1. I will say, hearing that little Washer sounding heart beat for the first time is AMAZING! It really makes you take a step back and think... there is a little person inside me!
    I think Ultrasounds are now my favorite appointments by far.

  2. Congrats a thousand times over, btw! I found when I was pregnant with Gideon that taking my prenatals just before I went to bed helped me not feel so sick during the day. But maybe that's just me. I tended to get evening sickness right around dinner time instead of morning sickness anyway. On another note, by the end of your pregnancy, you'll get so used to getting out of bed for bathroom trips that you'll be able to do it all in the dark, practically still asleep. =P
