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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Feeling girly

Yesterday I went to get a pedicure to keep me feeling girly. It's my small little luxury. Well, as I was nearing my pedicure end, I decided to get my nails done too. I didn't want anything crazy, just some white tips to make my hands feel pretty.

I left the nail saloon feeling good.

The next day, today, I showed up at work and I got chewed out for getting nails. "Pregnant girls can't get their nails done."

Pregnant girls also shouldn't lift things and shouldn't get their hair done (except for cuts and trims) and shouldn't stand by microwaves and, and, and!

I think that if I went to the nail saloon to purposely sniff and get high on the fumes and chemicals in there, yes, I shouldn't go cause too much may cause a problem. However, I didn't see and issue with being there an hour.

I talked with the baby daddy, and he and I both feel, it's not life threatening to me or the baby to get my nails done. Once I go to the dr, I will ask him how he feels. IF he says to stop going, then I will find out why and go from there.

However, the only thing I want people to yell at me for while I'm pregnant is my soda intake. I have been pretty cautious about it, but I'm human and week. I love how those tiny wonderful bubbles feel on my tongue. I am dehydrated every other day. So, yell at me to drink more water or skip the soda.


  1. People are ridiculous! Check out or They have EXTENSIVE "is it safe" sections. It is perfectly safe to have your nails done while you're pregnant, AND to get your hair colored, AND to get a brazillian wax, for heaven's sake! Busybodies are so annoying. lol

    But yeah- DRINK MORE WATER! ;) <3 YOU!!

  2. Ice water is my favorite drink!!! Especially today, hot and muggy.
    I've gotten my hair dyed, I just know maybe not getting your hair bleached out or extensive chemical altering... but hey it's your baby you do what you like!
    Once my husband and I decided to make baby, I quit soda cold turkey. I was addicted to diet coke. I know that caffeine plays a part on the baby and all. Well I had a caffeine free diet coke, rare find in Vegas, and someone told me diet soda is so bad for your baby.
    Well some to find out it is the same as caffeine. You shouldnt have more than one a day, and in fact it should be less than that.
    considering that was my second one in 9 weeks, and I sip on them for 2-3 days, I think it's very good. So Tell them to go make their own baby and then they can decide what to do from there.

  3. I was told that if you drink a 12 oz. soda, you need to drink 24 oz. of water to make up for it. But, I think you are doing a great job!
