The appointment went really well. Except for sitting in an uncomfortable gown for an uncomfortable amount of time. However, we saw the heartbeat. It was pretty fast as expected. Dr Swainston said it was a good strong heartbeat. That made mommy and daddy happy.
After hearing and seeing the heartbeat, we got to see Baby Graf's, "BG" for short, cue little self. We got to see BG clearly on a few shots, but the pics we got to take home look more like Ernie from Sesame Street than a little baby. Either way, it was confirmed that we are pregnant. No doubts any more. I wish it would have lasted a little longer. I wasn't nearly as emotional as I thought I would be.
BG is 2.4 cm long. Her due date is May 13, just as we suspected. I am trying not to call BG "it" because she isn't and it, she's a little baby. This is why I have nicknamed her BG. Furthermore, I don't know if it's a boy or girl, so I will be interchanging the pronouns when I feel like it until we know for sure if it's a boy or girl.
After hearing and seeing the heartbeat, we got to see Baby Graf's, "BG" for short, cue little self. We got to see BG clearly on a few shots, but the pics we got to take home look more like Ernie from Sesame Street than a little baby. Either way, it was confirmed that we are pregnant. No doubts any more. I wish it would have lasted a little longer. I wasn't nearly as emotional as I thought I would be.
BG is 2.4 cm long. Her due date is May 13, just as we suspected. I am trying not to call BG "it" because she isn't and it, she's a little baby. This is why I have nicknamed her BG. Furthermore, I don't know if it's a boy or girl, so I will be interchanging the pronouns when I feel like it until we know for sure if it's a boy or girl.
Here is some of the swag we got from our appointment.
Aside from all the other tests performed in the exam room, I also had t
o do some blood tests. I have learned that you're only to keep the gauze on for about 5-10 minutes after it's placed on. Usually when I remove it, where the tape was is a light pink, however, this is what happened this time...
I'm not sure why it did this. Maybe cause my skin is more tender, maybe cause my hormones are crazy. I have no clue. Maybe it's cause they used my right arm when the left is generally the arm of choice. Hopefully it won't happen again. I would be so embarrassed to look like a chubby pregnant crack head.
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