For those that haven't been to our house, we have 2 full size couches in our living room that make an L shape. They aren't a sectional wrap around kind of thing. Just two couches. One I usually lay on cause it's right under the A/C vent and we all know how I feel about being cold (it's a must). Which leaves Jason laying on the other couch.
I tend to roll off the couch and snuggle up to him, hug him and kiss him. Well, last night, Jason rolled off his couch to come snuggle up to me. And after some kisses and hugs, he just laid his head on mybelly staring at me. It was kind of awkward. I had to ask, "are you enjoying the view?" However, after a few minutes he says, "I can hear lots of stuff going on, but I think it's just your food moving around or gas."
He's so stinkin cute.
I went to the Walgreen's next to work after work today and got a stethoscope. So, when we started our jaunt around town tonight, when he got in the car, there it was. His very own stethoscope. He was so excited he didn't know what to do. He first listened to his heartbeat, breathing, belly. Then, since I was driving, when we were stopped at lights or something, he wanted to hear my heart and breathing and belly. He loved playing with it all night long. We haven't had the time to just sit and try to hear the baby cause it's been a hectic week, but hopefully we'll find some baby hearbeat listening time in the next couple days. If anything, we still have 6ish months to listen.
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