Baby Graf's timeline

pregnancy calendar

Monday, December 6, 2010

appt today

i had another appointment today with the dr. we got to see BG. he wasn't very active, but you can really see his spine details now.

everything is still going very well.

i asked the dr about the scoliosis and how it would effect me. he was joking with me that i won't be able to get an epidural, but when i looked traumatized and told him i was already nervous by not getting an experienced anesthesiologist that may get the wrong part of my back and i am very much considering no drugs, he turned the laughter off quick. lol

he said it's up to me, and since i may not have time to get an epidural, we'll wait til the big show is about to start and then we'll decide. i'm ok with that.

things i really need to work on this month is:
  • deciding where to deliver
  • getting signed up for different classes (birthing, breastfeeding, etc)
  • talk to human resources and find out my pregnancy rights since i am not allowed to split up my break to have a few moments of sitting through out the day


  1. They should need to at least provide you with a stool to sit on during your shift! I used to work at a front desk and they did that for one of the pregnant gals that worked there with me.

  2. I think in a month or so they'll do that. But since I haven't been acting pregnant and haven't really been showing, I'm wondering if they think I'm bluffing.
    Work won't let me do anything unless I have a note, but my dr won't give me a note cause he's quite a few patients get fired once they take the note in. *sigh* I'm only part time and it's not too bad right now, but we'll see what happens in the next few weeks.
