Baby Graf's timeline

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Saturday, April 16, 2011


BG has hair! My birthday is tomorrow, April 17, and for my birthday I wanted to take the family to see BG in a 3-D/4-D ultrasound. Mom, Jenny, Bobby, Mike, Katie and the Mom's made it. Though I didn't get to see BG very clearly, the little bugger just hates ultrasounds I guess, the tech did say, "Oh, he has a lot of hair." She then showed us how she could tell. She also mentioned that because hair is so fine and some babies don't have a lot, it's hard to see on ultrasounds and most of the time you don't see it. So, being that we could see it on him, we can tell he's gonna have a full head when he comes out. Sorry Jason. Maybe he'll lose it all after a few weeks of being out. If not, wait a few years and we'll buzz his head. hee hee! Anyway, the overwhelming support and love I got from my families are what made me cry this time. I loved seeing little BG on the screen, mad dogging us, but knowing that he, Jason and I are so loved and have so much support made my cup runneth over. We also talked about how soon he would be here. He will be here in a month! After this week, we are gonna work on different things we can do to make labor easy, and come quicker than usual. Mike and Jenny both said they didn't care if he came on their birthdays, but I would still love to have that little stinker as close to his due date as possible (DD is May 13).

1 comment:

  1. This was an AWESOME experience! To see his little chin, chubby cheeks and little nose...AND hair! That's awesome. Technology is incredible. You are the only one I had an ultrasound with. AND we only got one photo. I'm so glad I could be there. AND to have dinner with everyone turned out wonderful. The conversation was great, company was great and the food was too. Can't wait for Lucas to get here.
    If you have the same labor/delivery as I did with all of you, and my birth mother had with the four she had, it will be fast and not that bad. Have a blessing first. I always did.
    I love you! By the way...Happy Birthday AGAIN!
